Poverty Action Waikato is undertaking research to develop a 2015/16 “Window on Waikato Poverty” report. The focus of this report is to develop understandings of the experiences of neglect and nurture in our communities.
Neglect and nurture are experienced in different ways across our society. When society, communities and individuals neglect to care for one another this has devastating consequences. Babies, children and young people often suffer the most from neglect. This suffering can impact their whole life journey. Without opportunities for healing and restoration, experiences of neglect can result in further suffering. When the nurture of our most vulnerable populations and the care of one another is prioritised by individuals, communities and society, flourishing and wellbeing are enabled.
Our research will provide social services and community with the information that will support advocacy for a future where poverty and neglect are not tolerated and all people are supported to live flourishing lives. We are talking with people in Social Service agencies about the ways they observe and experience both neglect and nurture operating in their communities and gathering some up-to-date regional statistics.
This research is supported by the Social Development Division of the Hamilton City Council. A summary of findings will be presented to Hamilton City Council in February 2016 followed by the final report which will be a public document.