Closer Together Whakatata Mai – reducing inequalities ( is a project of the New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) ( aimed at building a New Zealand where the income gap between the rich and the poor is getting closer together … not wider apart. In a more equal New Zealand we will all be better off.
The project has been running since 2011 and follows NZCCSS’s mission to work for a just and compassionate society in Aotearoa New Zealand, giving priority to the poor and vulnerable members of our society. As part of the project, NZCCSS has been one of the organisations driving the development of the Equality Network and the NZCCSS Secretariat has provided administrative, policy advice and accounting support to the work since the Network began.
What we do to reduce inequality
Closer Together Whakatata Mai aims to raise public awareness of the impact of inequality on Aotearoa New Zealand social and economic wellbeing. Since the 2011 inequality and poverty have emerged as one of the main issues facing New Zealand ( Through continuing to inform and network with others who are concerned about inequality and poverty, the programme aims to build the groundswell of community support for actions and policies that government and communities can take to reduce income and wealth inequality.
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Trevor McGlinchey | 04 473 2627