Category Archives: Action

MESSAGES MATTER : Common Cause messaging training with Mark Chenery


In our increasingly fast paced and fragmented world, it’s becoming harder and harder to get traction on the issues that really matter. That’s why even the most effective progressive organisations are working to review their framing and messaging. These training days on Friday 19 August in Auckland and Monday 22 August in Wellington will build on the important work done in New Zealand last year by messaging expert Anat Shenker-Osorio

For details, refer here.


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Signing an open letter to the Government in support of these policy asks.

We are looking for stories from people who previously have received or currently receive any Working for Families (WFF) assistance. If you have received the In-Work tax credit we would love to hear about your experience; how well it worked or didn’t work for you. We would like to use your experiences as examples to explain WFF. Name and details will be anonymous and kept confidential. Please send your stories to Jeni at [email protected] or feel free to get in contact me for more info at (09) 302 5260

Read a social worker’s perspective on the recent report from the Expert Panel: Investing in New Zealand’s children and their families. 7 April 1916

Read a social worker’s perspective on the recent report from the Expert Panel: Investing in New Zealand’s children and their families. 7 April 1916

“There are some good things in this report and there are also some things which are deeply disturbing for the future of the most impoverished and marginalised families in Aotearoa -New Zealand.  Alarms are also raised for the future of social work, particularly statutory child protection.

Poor outcomes’ are seen to be caused by the family environment of children and their own complex needs. There is no reference to social inequality – inadequate incomes, housing and health services – or to the economic reproduction of these social deficits”.
